Tag Archives: marathon expo

remember your motivation…

Well, here we are…less than 24 hours away. Race bib in hand, race day outfit just about ready, well-rested, and anxiously awaiting for my time to cross the start line.

I headed down to the expo yesterday with my friend Angela, and afterwards we drove part of the course (and took a few pictures…or maybe more than a few…).

I’m really ready now. I’m in marathon mode — as if I haven’t been already for the past few days. A few nerves are starting to set in, of course, but they aren’t getting the best of me…and they won’t. Don’t let them get you either.

If you find yourself running and feeling less than motivated, just remember why you’re doing this. What motivates you? Why have you stayed so committed to this? I know I have more than 26 people to think about and keep me inspired during my run, one or more during each mile. So, just remember your motivation…and if you’re having a hard time remembering why you’re doing this, maybe this Detroit Free Press article will spark something in you.

Remember your motivation…and stay committed…you’ve worked hard for this!


Filed under Marathon Training